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The "Featured Panel" Control Panel Tab - Printable Version

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The "Featured Panel" Control Panel Tab - Russell H. - 07-29-2014 02:44 PM

This panel controls the styling for the main featured panel section and full page background for all pages. Use the self descriptive section controls to change section appearances.
Gallery Slider: By selecting the post category, the Gallery Slider will then feature images and text snippet from all of the posts in that category. If you wish to exclude some posts in the display, simply do not upload a "featured image" and then nothing will display for that post.
Enable Gallery Text Panel: Creates a slide up semi-translucent panel upon which the first few sentences of the featured post will display according to the number of characters set in the "Gallery Description Length Limit" box.
The "Featured Panel" color inputs control the color for the Main Image/Video Gallery background, and the "Featured Content" color inputs control the colors for the background and text colors of the "Featured Content Panel" (found under the main gallery featured panel which is controlled via "Custom Field" titled "text" with its html content being pasted into the "Value" field).
Use Static Image Instead of Slider: Check the box "Use Main Feature Panel Image instead of Gallery Slider" and upload an image and this will show a static image instead of a sliding gallery.
Main Page (container) Background Color: You can either use the default style background color or any specific color for the main page background in Pages and Posts by checking the box "Use custom color for container background" and selecting the desired color. Alternatively you can use any of the "Main Predefined Background" images or upload one single image of choice. To change or add more background images to the theme, upload those image files (1349 x 480px low res) to the "/graphics/main_bg" folder of the theme.

Remember to click "Save" when you're done!