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How To Delete Existing Vortex Theme To Upload Later Version - Printable Version

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How To Delete Existing Vortex Theme To Upload Later Version - Russell H. - 08-18-2014 08:56 PM

IMPORTANT: You need to first delete a theme when you are uploading an updated version of the same theme otherwise you will encounter an error message "A theme theme by that name already exists".

1) Deactivate current Localbiz Vortex theme by activating any other theme instead (such as default WP theme 2015 2016,.. any other theme will do!)
2) Now that Localbiz Vortex is deactivated you'll see a "delete" link option next to it. Click that link and delete the theme.
3) upload and activate your new Localbiz Vortex theme which will be the latest version of Localbiz Vortex.