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The "Header" Control Panel Tab
07-29-2014, 02:21 PM (This post was last modified: 01-09-2017 09:14 PM by Russell H..)
Post: #1
The "Header" Control Panel Tab
This panel controls the content and styles for the header area (not including the menu buttons which are controlled via the "Menu Buttons" tab in the master control panel).
Each section is self explanatory and allows you to set colors and text content for the top thin header strip, *The main headline and *The sub-headline. You can select font and font effects for those areas as you choose.
NOTE: If you wish to use a graphic header instead of the text then you need to check the "Use Image/Logo" box and upload your header graphic file.
IMPORTANT: max width of header graphic is 660px and default height is 70px. If you use taller header height of say 100px+ then the header area will dynamically increase automatically and you will need to remove the CTA down arrow on the right (click "display none" in "Top Arrow" section under "Featured Sidebar" tab). You can use the top header widget area to insert some graphic or widget of choice instead.
There is an option to extend the header graphic area to 970px full width. This can be useful when not using any right side header widget or CTA arrow. Bear in mind that any header widget or CTA arrow will be overlayed onto the header graphic!
Hide Default WP Site Title: This allows you to use graphic header backgrounds without declaring a "Header Title" (in "Main Text For Header") and without the default WP site title displaying. This can be useful in some design instances.
Useful Tip: You can remove the appearance of having a header seperator line by disabling the option for "Enable Header Separator Bottom Line" and also by setting the colors for the "Header Separator Top/Bottom Gradients" to be the same as the bottom part of the header background, and the "Main Background Top Gradient" (in the "Featured Panel" section).
Top Thin Banners: You can use 1 or 2 Top Thin Banners (or none). Rotate/flip them, and enable full width styling from 660px to 970px. You can use a ticker news plugin here by inserting the short_code for the widget into the text content box. First you need to upload the free "Ditty News Ticker" plugin from the WordPress plugin repository.
Selecting the "Enable Style Switcher at the Header" option will insert a dropdown menu box in the Primary Top Thin Banner. This can be useful on Demo Sites so that site visitors can click on the various site styles to see which ones they like best. Website designers may wish to create a custom set of site styles to avoid confusing clients with all 44 preset styles that will appear in the dropdown menu if they are present in the Styles Gallery in the "General" tab.
Remember to click "Save" when you're done!
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